CELF2016 Participant Profile: Hair the Beat - Casey Elisha Books

CELF2016 Participant Profile: Hair the Beat

Business Name: Hair The Beat

Location: London

Founders: Jodie-Simone and Sheila

About: Created by two sisters, one of African descent, the other of Caribbean heritage, Hair the Beat is a self-love advocacy endeavour that encourages self love whilst also promoting healthy natural hair care.

As a result of their own personal experiences living with natural afro hair, the duo work to spread a message of health, acceptance and natural beauty through their YouTube channel, extending their message to the next generation through interactive workshops.


Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/HairTheBeatTwitter: @HairTheBeat_| Instagram: @hairthebeat_

Hair the Beat will be at #CELF2016, will you?!

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